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  My Homage to...



In the early 1970's, I was living in a college dormitory and just happened to catch an episode of a wacky new British television show called "Monty Python's Flying Circus".


I laughed so hard, my sides ached! From the very first TV episode, I was hooked.

I have seen every single Monty Python television episode and movie so many times,

I can literally mimic the dialogue of every sketch in real time. And believe it or not, I actually caught "The Life of Brian" theatrical release while on vacation in London, England!


To me, Monty Python represents the summit of British humor and has greatly enriched my life.


In 2016, I was blessed to see John Cleese and Eric Idle perform Monty Python material - live! Check out MY CONCERTS page and see some of the video I recorded!


Here are some of my favorite sketches!


      The "Killer Rabbit" Sketch from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"



Knights of the Round Table

Cheese Shoppe Sketch!

Dead Parrot

Nobody expects... The Spanish Inquisition!

Funniest joke in the world!

Military Fairy!

Lumberjeck Song!

Ministry of Silly Walks!

English-Hungarian Dictionary Sketch!

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