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Exercise, Diet and Nutrition

I try to keep physically active by riding my motorcycle, and doing yard work around the house. I also take a brisk walk on my treadmill for about an hour a day - five days a week.


After finding myself questioning the effectiveness of the American Heart Association standard "heart-healthy low fat diet", I have researched many medical studies, and nutrition information sources. Some of these include the Atkins Diet, Forks over Knives, Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and many others. What I have discovered has radically changed my beliefs about nutrition and diet. Although often contradictory, there is an element of truth to all of these diets, and I have strived to take lessons learned and some best practices from each of them.


These are the major dietary factors that I have embraced:


1) Sugar - i.e. fructose - raises triglycerides and causes inflammation. Elimination of all forms of added sugars especially HFCS, minimal use of natural sweeteners honey and maple syrup.


2) Reduced inflammatory Insulin spiking by reducing the glycemic load - drastically restricting all carbohydrates (except fruit) and almost totally eliminating WHEAT. Wheat itself is inflammatory independent of the carbohydrate load. Infrequent starchy vegatables - i.e. potato, sweet potato and rice consumption - and even then only in small quantities. Sushi / Vietnamese Pho - occasionally.


3) Improved Omega-3 / Omega-6 profile - near elimination of most inflammatory Omega 6 laden processed vegetable oils (canola, corn, soy, safflower, sunflower, peanut, sesame, cottonseed, etc.). Increased use of anti-inflammatory Omega 3 rich coconut, olive, avocado oils, and fish/krill oil supplements. Elimination of all margarine (whether hydrogenated or not) and alternate use of organic pasture raised Omega 3 rich butter. Limiting seeds and nuts with too much Omega 6. Increased consumption of healthy SATURATED fats.


4) Consumption of Omega 3 rich organic free-range poultry and eggs, and grass-fed beef and dairy products whenever possible. Avoidance of poor quality Omega 6 laden commercial corn-fed beef.


5) Total elimination of all deep fried foods - except foods cooked in Boeef tallow or coconut/avocado  oil well below the smoking point. This has the additional benefit of eliminating trans fats from our diet.


6) Elimination of sugar laden and Omega 6 oil containing condiments and processed foods. We make our own mayonaise fresh from extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil and organic eggs. We make our own BBQ sauce without any added sugars.


7) Elimination of statin drugs in favor of natural alternatives niacin (B3), plant sterols and all these anti-inflammatory dietary changes.


8) Anti-oxidant supplements - vitamin B12, C, E, and D3. Filtering chlorinated / chloramine laden residential water which is atheroscrolotic. We just installed a new activated carbon filter at home.


9) Increased quantity and quality of organic fruits and vegetables. Fruits may contain fructose, but they also have vitamins, plant sterols, micro-nutrients and fiber which moderates sugar absorbtion and prevents insulin spiking.


10) Daily consumption of one or two glasses of nice red wine! Red wine has a great antioxident called rosveritrol. Good enough for the heart healthy French, good enough for me! "a votre sante!"


Of course, some of the hypotheses that are the foundations of these different diets may some day be disproved, but only time will tell. I have come to the conclusion that the best diets all have some anti-inflammatory mechanisms (through inclusion of healthy foods or elimination of unhealthy foods), and that is what I strive to optimize. Here are some some great videos and books that may give you new insights into diet and nutrition for optimal health.


(Note - "Forks over Knives" is a movie available on NETFLIX and other internet sources.  It promotes a somewhat restrictive VEGAN lifestyle that I believe is effective because it promotes healthy fruits and vegetables, and drastically reduces inflammatory Omega 6 oils and sugar. I borrow a few ideas from it- but I also consume healthy dairy, animal and fish protiens and saturated fats).

Sugar, the Bitter Truth

Dr. Robert Lustig

University of California

- shocking expose of the dangers of rampant and excessive sugar consumption in America. Technical - complete with organic chemistry proof of fructose toxicity. Scary.




A very entertaining and thought provoking expose of major flaws with the widely accepted "Lipid Theory" - i.e. the theory that increased fat and cholesterol consumption results in coronary heart disease. This movie will blow you away. Whole movie on HULU.



 BBC Documentary -

Atkins wasn't wrong!


Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT - discussing Statin Toxicity.


This video upset me very much, and caused me to research statin side effects. I stopped taking statins after seeing this video, and subsequently reading the book "How Statins Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time." If you take a statin, you must see this video and read this book.



Presentation by Dr. William Davis, cardiologist. Dr. Davis coined the term Wheat Belly" and talks about the genetic modification of wheat  in the 1970s, and how it has introduced new inflammatory proteins into the westen diet- with disasterous health consequences.

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