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          Swinging 60's TV...                      







            In living COLOR!

The 1960's was a period of great transition for television. Color TV was introduced in

the mid 1950's, but was not widely adopted until mid 1960's. Then, suddenly, it

took off like a rocket!

My family purchased it's first color TV, a very large screen 22" floor console "Spartan" model, in 1966. Just in time to see "The Monkees" debut in color. Television series, like the "Beverly Hillbillies", were quick to make the transition from black and white to color within a few seasons.

The sixties started off with conservative family oriented programming such as "Leave It To Beaver", and ended the decade with live color TV from the surface of the moon, and the psychedellic drug nuances and anti- Vietnam War politics of "Laugh In". It was an exciting time that was captured "In living color". You bet your sweet bippy!

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