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That 70's                     TV Page...

The 70's - Right On! Great years for TV, and very memorable for me. I started the 70's going to High School in Northern Canada , cruised through college, and ended up at the end of the decade working for a minicomputer company in California at the height of the "Disco" era. Seems like I watched a 19" portable TV the entire decade!


In my first year of college, I just happened to attend a live comedy show at a local nightclub. The show was called the "National Lampoon Review", and starred some unknown comedians by the names of John Belushi, Dan Akroid, Chevy Chase, Gilder Radner, Garret Morris, Jane Curtain and Larraine Newman. The original cast of Saturday Night Live, of course. They were on the road developing new material to be used in a new comedy show that Canadian producer Lorrin Michaels was about to unleash on the world. They all sat and drank at a large table right beside me. Who knew!


The early 70's also saw the introduction of a crazy new Brittish comedy show called "Monty Python's Flying Circus". 

Who new!


And as Detective Columbo would say... Just one more thing... I must confess that most of my weekends during the 70's were spent studying, dating or partying with friends at night clubs. Although I caught many of these TV shows in prime time, I've seen many more episodes in later years as reruns or on DVD collections!


In the late 1970's I acquired a brand new piece of home entertainment technology called a Video Casette Recorder. My unit was a Sanyo BETAMAX, and for the first time I could rent movies (at Photomat drive through kiosks) and see them on my schedule! I used the Betamax player until the mid 1980s when I upgraded to a JVC STEREO SuperVHS VCR.


























Here are some of my favorites shows from the 1970's...

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